June is Blythe’s Birthday month, this is Neo Blythe’s 20th Anniversary year.
We will have a Blythe Birthday Special Fair at our shops!
We have some fun novelty items, please read the terms and join us in celebrating Blythe’s special day.
Birthday Fair 1: Neo Blythe 20th Anniversary Trading Sticker Novelty
To celebrate the 20th anniversary if Neo Blythe, we will have 3 kinds of trading stickers every month from June to December. One sticker will be given out of random for every purchase of Dear Darling, Blythe goods, Jeffrey Fulvimari goods and other items of value up to 3,300 JPY (including tax).
Your will be able to see which pattern will be distributed each month, so be sure to collect them all!
Please check the shop blog for the three patterns distributed in June.
Terms of distribution:
Eligible goods are Dear Darling, Blythe goods, Jeffrey Fulvimari goods, and other purchased goods.
One card will be distributed randomly for every eligible purchase of 3,300 JPY or more.
Period of Distribution for 1st Set: June 1 - June 30, 2021. **SOLD OUT**
** All stickers have been claimed for this month. Thank you! **
Participating shops: Junie Moon Daikanyama, Horie, Shinjuku, and Junie Moon Online Shopping.
Birthday Fair 2: Dear Darling Dress Products 10% off
Celebrate Blythe in your home by dressing up your collection by enjoying 10% off the Dear Darling “Wedding Wishes” and “Princess Gown”.
Duration: June 1- June 30, 2021
Participating shops: Junie Moon Daikanyama, Horie, Shinjuku, Online Shopping
Share the Love! Post your favorite Blythe on Instagram
For Blythe’s 20th Anniversary, let’s celebrate by inviting fans to post your favorite Blythe dressed up for Blythe’s Birthday and posting it to Instagram!
Include the hashtag #myfavoriteBlythe in your post! We will be selecting one photo a day to feature in the Junie Moon Instagram stories!
We look forward to seeing your very favorite Blythe.
Duration: June 1- June 30, 2021
* Required hashtag #myfavoriteBlythe